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Submit Images or Videos

Thanks for your interest in submitting a images and/or videos about using identiMetrics. We appreciate it!
We will be using submitted images and/or videos for our marketing initiatives.
Once we receive and review your submission we will be emailing you a $10 Amazon gift card to thank you!
QUESTIONS? Brian has answers! Email him at
identiMetrics, Inc. has permission to use the sent material for educational and promotional purposes.
Here are some ideas for your videos and images:
Students using identiMetrics, for example in the cafeteria, media center, attendance, etc.
Different fingers being placed on the finger scanner
BTW- Don't worry if you think your videos or images won't win any hot shot awards. Our top notch team of editors will make anything you submit red carpet worthy!
Submit your video or 4 images to Brian at
Just click on the email link to Brian to get started. Your default email client will get the email to Brian ready. Just attach your files as usual and hit the send button!

If you have any trouble attaching your files, email Brian and let him know. He's got lots of tricks up his sleeve to help you out.